Saturday, June 23, 2007

Spare No 'Spences!

A grocery store here has been playing its midsommar commercial on TV all the time. There's a family at a traditional midsommar table and the man at the head of the table gives a speech in Swedish about midsommar costing what it costs, and at the end of his speech he exclaims, in English, "Spare no 'spenses!" It cracks us up every time.

Last night, even with the TV and the lights on in here, we saw flashes of light through the drawn blinds. When we opened the window, it was a little Lund monsoon! This morning it was still raining, and it was cold (maybe around 55F). But heck, we were going to Kulturen anyway. We each took an umbrella, didn't put on enough layers, and headed out in the gross, drooling morning.


While walking over to Kulturen we passed a couple RVs heading out of town, but not a whole lot of other strolling folk. We took a super-quick spin through the Kulturen building, and then followed the posted note to proceed through the green gates - their tunnel was flooded.


The reflection at the bottom of the stairs there is the foot or so of water that had flooded the tunnel. We arrived at Lunds Kommun as they were finishing tying greens and ribbon to the midsommarstång. Then they invited the rest of the public to take flowers from two buckets they had available and decorate it. When all the flowers had been used, they lifted it up and stood it in a hole in the ground. There's a video here. A fellow with a guitar and another with an accordion played some songs as folks danced around the midsommarstång. There are videos of that, too (see the previous link). Unfortunately, it was still raining and still really cold...and our feet were wet. So we decided to call it a day. Here's us, right before going home.


We traded photo-taking with a family on their way out. They asked if we'd take one for them, so they took a photo for us. On the way home, we zipped through the market and bought some strawberries, as well as some chives, sour cream, and carrot marmalade. After a small lunch of nyponsoppa and a nap (for E), we cleaned up a little and prepared our own midsommar feast.


We had köttbullar, potatoes, lingonsylt, spinach, matjessill with knäckebröd, gräddfil (sour cream), chives, cranberry juice, and mini snaps. Tasty!


- E & J

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